Friday, July 20, 2018

The Reign Came Down and Brought the Son

July 4th,
The weather was pleasant until…

I scrolled my Facebook timeline the other day. Someone posted "It's way too hot outside. God is trying to show us what hell feels like." Yes, it was meant for humor, but the statement consumed me. Being the over-thinker, I AM, I fell into deep thought. I move the trash to the side, found a spot and began to listen to my inner self-say, "Maybe we need just a little more light."

I observed a strange rain shower yesterday. In the middle of the day, while the sun was shining brightly not a cloud in the sky, A heavy shower fell to the ground. It lasts for about three minutes or so.  I called my homegirl up to see if she experienced the same. Her reply, "Nope, it's dry over here." And so it was outside my door dry. As if the rain never happened.

North Carolina weather is crazy. I know what I saw, I know what I heard. I AM not mad. I wanted a closer look, so I grabbed my habits and went outside for a smoke. It seemed the longer I stayed, the more I began to burn, while in the shade. It was hotter than a witches titty. Not the same pleasant weather I experienced before the rain.

So the thought remains from my inner self. Though it was hot with a burning sensation, training yourself to think positive has a beneficial factor. Now, let's establish the negative. No, I shouldn't have been outside smoking, it's definitely preparation for hell…but that's a story for another day.

Most importantly,  the thought of needing more light resonated becoming my inspiration. Now that's HOT! John 8:12 it says, "When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

I use to think waiting for the light at the end of the tunnel was hard. But if you stop walking when will you get to enjoy it. We are ever so graciously blinded by what we don't have by what we cannot see. It's high time we choose our third eye and see Jesus for who He is.

There are others who inspire me. A long list of others. But if I had to chose a leaf, a branch, and a root it would go as follows.

Delphia Ruffin Taylor (1935-2016) and all that grow from her family tree. My grandmother is my root.  She is my foundation.

Chandra Batts and family, she is my branch, still holding on after several years of Fights and friendship. *Side Notes* Fights are not to be taken lightly. We have weathered many storms together. It is the glue that bonds us.

Now as for my Leaf. A leaf will leave you with a lasting impression. One that will play over and over again. Refer it to the whooping you received as a child. Sometimes it doesn't have to hurt for you to get the point. Reverend Dr. Vincent M. Meares and family, in the short time we have known each other you have become the difference in my life. You are indeed following the light.

I AM an Over Comer!
I AM Fearless!
I AM Coming out!

Sunday, July 8, 2018

So You Think You Can Blog

I AM an over-thinker.
Contemplation--I daydream about clearing clutter from the bed to the floor and even my head. If you could take a walk through my mind, it would be a haunting episode of Hoarders. Always collecting and never letting go. I procrastinate and fall behind in everything--writing is a start--.
My thoughts entrap me. When I free myself, I will no longer be imprisoned.

Think...Get out your own way!
When everything else fails, Reinvent Yourself!
I AM tired.
You are what you eat. Whatever you feed yourself will affect others. I'm full of excuses. Somehow I can't seem to shake the feeling of doing something right or NOT AT ALL.

I'm so tired of feeling this way!

Become...Make as many mistakes until you get it right!

I AM afraid.
Starting a new venture is terrifying. For years people have heard my story. They sit in amazement wondering how I made it through. My difficulties are inspiring, they say. Most often I AM told to write a book, that my story will help others.
Believe...O Ye of little faith, Take Courage!

I AM inquisitive.
I want a direct answer but cannot give it. It's a blessing and a curse to ask many questions.  It can become trivial at times, but it's for the best. I lack experience in many aspects of life which leaves room for uncertainty. An uncertainty that opens a gateway to passive-aggressive behaviors. I call it my other side.
Think...Research, Review, Restore. Know what you're talking about!

I AM just like you.
Seeking validity to fill a void. - My Mirror Doesn't Tell Me What I Like to See.- I only search for answers of myself through others because I  have allowed my face to betray me. I respect the opinions of others. Some I have met briefly or not at all. I am an attention seeker. I seek approval and acceptance. The fear of missing out is pandemic, and no one is exempt. I must be aware of what  I feast, it will affect others.
Become...Your habits are a reflection of you!

I AM overwhelmed.
Just the thought of writing creates anxiety. All I see is storm ahead, but the keyword is THROUGH! I will get through.
Believe...Be anxious for nothing!

I AM concerned.
My story may not only help others but also hurt some of the most important people in my life. It is never my intent to harm anyone, Disturbing as it may seem, I have come to the conclusion that as long as my intention is pure, my story will provide a rule of healing. There is more to life than one perspective. And this one is MINE.
Think...Strive for progress! Love yourself first!

So you think you can blog. Well, Actions speak louder than words. Res non-Verba -your words are just your perspective, your feelings, own them, write them down, share your walk of life, don't hide, knock fear out of here.
Become...Receive your healing!

I AM an Overcomer!
I AM Fearless!
I AM Coming out!
Get ready for me.

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